How to service a HVAC cooling tower safely and easily

Many buildings have central air conditioning. These types of air conditioning system need water to cool its compressor and condenser. You will find three or four dome/square shaped metallic structure on the roof of these buildings. Water is being sprayed in it and being cooled by atmospheric air or by blower motor. This article will help technicians servicing HVAC cooling tower safely and easily.

You can still do it even if you are not an HVAC technician given that you have adequate experience. Also, you must follow safety instructions: wear apron, hand gloves, safety goggles, safety shoes and safety helmet. Extreme precaution should be taken while cleaning with caustic soda solution.

For better performance of the cooling tower it is necessary to service electrical blower, pump, piping accessories and water supply circuit altogether.

Necessary tools and equipments: Adjustable wrench, open end wrench set, flat/star screw driver, combination pliers, AVO meter, Anemometer, pipe wrench, scrapers, hand brush, ladder, air compressor, water pressure jet system, caustic soda solution, sponge and cotton.

Steps to servicing HVAC cooling tower safely

1. Switch off the power of the cooling tower fan motor and lock it for your
safety. Hang a tag to indicate that work is in progress.

2. Switch off the water pump.

3. Check and clean all plumbing fittings; change if corroded.

4. Check the electrical connections of blower fan motor and pump motor. Replace
the wire if found faulty.

5. Clean the fan motor and it’s blade with hand brush and cotton.

6. Close the water inlet valve and drain water from the basin/reserve tank.

7. Clean the basin with hand brush. Use wire brush if required. Remove the soil
dirt and water clog.

8. Apply caustic soda solution to the basin. Wait 10/15 minutes and wash with
pressurized water.

9. Check the spray nozzles. Clean the nozzles with orifice cleaner. Replace it,
if found corroded or not working.

10. Check the float bulb that ensures the water supply to keep the level to the
basin. Replace it if corroded.

11. Clean the drain line. It may be blocked with mud, sludge etc.

12. Clean the entire area with pressurized air (i.e. interior fence, basin floor

Check the performance of the cooling tower before normal operation.

Checking the performance

1. Switch on the blower fan and measure the air flow. You must
compare it with the manufacturer manual.

2. You have to switch on the water pump motor and observe its spray nozzles. Also
you have to measure the inlet and outlet water temperature and compare it with
the manufacturer manual.

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