Easy yogic practices to beat stress

Are you wondering about yogic practice to beat stress? But are you a victim of stress? Do you feel weak as you wake up in the morning? Do nightmares stir you up in your sleep? Morning doesn’t get you the usual cheerfulness to say “Ah! Hello, beautiful morning!” Does peevishness and mild headache catch you and make you react easily? You rush to your office and slog there for ten to twelve hours. Does it make you feel as though every iota of energy is being drained out of you? Do you refuse your spouse’s invitation to go out and spend time together? If answers to these questions are yes, you are probably a victim of stress. You can follow the easy yogic practices to beat stress as set by Indian hermits.

Indian Hermits had invariably put emphasis on three things that would keep tab on stress. Those are:

(1) Pani – Water

(2) Pawan – Oxygen

(3) Pranayam – Breathing exercises

Yogic practice to beat stress

Stress is related to your food habit and stomach problems. Let me ask you the first question. Do you have smooth and easy bowel every morning? Most of the persons suffering from stress have constipation and trouble from gas. It happens due to irregular meals, intake of junk and spicy food and alcohol.

Another symptom is you feel a burning sensation that comes usually during the midday. At times, there is pain in your stomach.

Stomach problems add considerably to the stress levels of your body and mind. It raises your blood-pressure and keeps you peevish and gives terrible mood swings. You can easily pop tablets in your mouth but rest assured that will give you short relief from continuous stomach trouble.

If you are suffering from hard constipation, take four glasses of lukewarm water as you wake up in the morning and release your bowel. This habit will make you free from hard constipation within three months.

If you find drinking slightly warm water in the morning difficult, you can drink normal water. If you practice this, in time, it will reduce constipation and gas. This habit is enormously helpful in relieving stress and tension. But avoid taking water from the refrigerator.

Practice Neti

Have you ever heard about Neti? Neti is a wonderful yogic practice to beat stress. It comes from Naturopathy. It gradually reduces toxic from your body and give speedy relief from acidity, gas and stress.

Although it is bit difficult, gradually you will overcome the difficulties as you practice at least twice a week. Let’s begin.

Boil five to six glasses of water for one to two minutes in the oven. But do not overheat it by boiling for longer time. Keep it in one place until it becomes lukewarm. Mix half spoonful of salt in it.

Drink it. Proceed to your toilet. Put two fingers inside your mouth and move them inside creating a sensation. Vomit the entire liquid that you have just drunk. The warm water will steadily bring out toxic from your body.

You will feel the comfort gradually as you proceed with the practice of this

Practice Pranayama – Breathing exercise

What does your body needs the most? As the Indian saints say, it is Pawan -pure Oxygen. But in the heavily polluted atmosphere, you hardly get respite from pollution. If you want instant relief from stress, do this yogic practice to beat stress.

Go to a park early in the morning and practice this breathing exercise. Sit down n the grass and close your eyes. Inhale deeply and exhale long. Do it for 15-30 minutes. You will feel the coolness inside your body as fresh oxygen enters inside. The entire quantity of carbon dioxide will come out and get replaced by pure oxygen.

Walk a distance briskly

After you finish the breathing exercise, walk for fifteen minutes around the park. Walk briskly, breathing hard. Let your body sweat profusely. Walking gives you energy for the entire day.

Take care of your diet

For removing stress and improving stamina, you have to take cent-percent care of your diet. Firstly, remove junk and fatty food from your diet completely. You need ample amounts of calcium, vitamin and iron in your diet.

Eat a lot of green vegetables, milk and yogurt. For beating stress, you need three kinds of vitamins.

Eat around 500mg of Vitamin C, if you are suffering from severe stress. You can eat two-three oranges every day.

You can eat cereals and grains proportionately as supplements of Vitamin B. Cereals and grains have Thiamine, which is very effective for stress.

For Vitamin E, you can take vegetables, nuts, fortified cereals and vegetable oils and all these can give you Vitamin E.

In addition to all this, drink plenty of water. Avoid alcohol and excess consumption of tea and coffee.

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