Understanding brain mechanism to stop overeating

Overeating is an eating disorder which can be mentioned as food addiction. It is just similar to drug addiction and a part of our brain is responsible for causing it. What is the brain mechanism that leads to overeating?

Understanding brain mechanism to stop overeating

Our brain has two parts: a conscious and a subconscious part. The subconscious part lies between the two hemisphere and connects them together. This small part between the hemispheres is known as limbic system. Limbic system leads one to excessive eating. This part can only simulate feeling, it’s not associated with decision making.

Consequently the unconscious part of the brain produces the feelings of addiction as it produces the other feelings. Emotional people have an imbalanced limbic system. They suffer depression and anxiety, which in turn throws them to overeating. When someone is in stress, the limbic system of his brain becomes imbalanced and makes him vulnerable to overeating. Overeating is similar to drug addiction as it creates similar attraction to foods as that of the attraction to drugs among drug addicts. In other words, our brain’s limbic system simulates a feeling that leads us to excessive eating.

Now that we know our brain mechanism that leads us to overeating, we can find a way to fix this problem. We can use the conscious part of our brain for this purpose. We can use the conscious part of our brain to make the decision that we will only intake as much food as is essential for a healthy life and not a bit more. But our unconscious brain is always picking at those decisions and is trying to find out if we are just pretending or not. If you sincerely take this decision then it will send a reverse signal opposing the signal sent by your imbalanced limbic system and they will nullify each other. Now, if you stick to your decision, your overeating will stop.


Overeating or eating disorder is the consequence of subconscious process and heavy mental depression and emotional imbalance. The limbic system of our brain leads us to this problem, but we can use our conscious part of the brain to stop overeating.

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